Blackford Historical Society
Blackford has a long and venerable tradition of brewing dating back to the fifteenth century. At one time, the small village boasted three sizeable breweries and had direct family connections with the major brewing industries in Edinburgh and Burton on Trent.
The Scottish Brewing Archive was established in 1982 to collect and preserve the records of the brewing industry in Scotland. With the help of Scotland's brewery companies, several thousand volumes of records and books have been deposited, as well as a large collection of advertisements, ephemera and machinery.
The Scottish Brewing Archive Newsletter is a valuable source of information. The edition of Summer 1986 carries a detailed article on "The Breweries of Blackford" by Charles H McMaster. The full article (PDF) can be viewed clicking on the beer label below.
We have been informed by Andrew Eadie that there is a slight inaccuracy in this article in that a daughter of William Eadie senior did not marry W B Thomson.
The Scottish Brewing Article Journal, volume 2, 2000 carries a detailed article on Thomson's Blackford Brewery - reproducing an article from The National Guardian, August 20th 1897. The article (PDF) can be viewed by clicking on the image below.
The Scottish Brewing Archive has given their kind permission to reproduce these articles and Blackford Historical Society gratefully acknowledge their assistance.