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Events Programme for 2008-09


1.Life as an Evacuee in Blackford

Ian Forrester, a wartime evacuee to Blackford will give a talk on his memories and experiences in the area during World War 2.

Date : 27th October 2008

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church


2.Prehistoric Blackford

Director of Excavations, Chris O'Connell from CFA Archaeology Limited will give an illustrated talk on the recent excavations to the north of Blackford that have revealed a wealth of evidence for prehistoric settlement in the area.

Date : 24th November 2008

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church


3.Changes in Agriculture in the Blackford Area in the last 50 years

Willie McLaren, Chair of Blackford Historical Society, will give a talk on the changes to agricultural practices and methods since the middle of the 20th century.

Date : 26th January 2009

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : The Blackford Hotel, Moray Street, Blackford


4.History of Scottish Aviation

Richard Beith, a member of Blackford Historical Society, will give an illustrated talk on the history and evolution of aviation in Scotland.

Date : 23rd February 2009

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church


5.Historic Mapping of Blackford

Alan Moore, a member of Blackford Historical Society, will give an illustrated talk on historic mapping of the area.

Date : 30th March 2009

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church


6.Medieval Perth

Steven Timoney, Outreach Officer from Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust will give an illustrated talk on Medieval Perth.

Date : 27th April 2009

Time : 7.30pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church


7.Walk to the Deaf Knowe and AGM

The Society will meet at Blackford Church at 7.00pm and walk to the Deaf Knowe. The Deaf Knowe is reputed to be where the decompopsed body of Queen Helen was buried after she drowned in the loch that stretched from the foot of Gleneagles to Kinbuck - see The Legend of Blackford for more details.

Date : 11th May 2009

Time : 7.00pm

Venue : Blackford Church

After the walk, the Society will hold its Annual General Meeting.

Date : 11th May 2009

Time : 8.30 pm

Venue : Church Session House, Blackford Church

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