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Sunday 8 September 2024


























Friday 9 September 2022

We have received some more photographs of the new Highland Spring rail yard documenting its development.  These have been added to the website at Gallery 20 and Gallery 21.  We are indebted to Timon Rose of Perth for this information.

Saturday 23 January 2021

Five years ago today we commemorated the 300th Anniversary of the Burning of Blackford on 26 January 1716.  More information on the history of the Burning is here and photographs of the commemoration event are here.

Thursday 10 December 2020

We have received a number of photographs of the new Highland Spring rail yard documenting its development to date.  These have been added to the website at Gallery 7 and will be updated as the work progresses.  We are indebted to Timon Rose of Perth for much of this information.

Saturday 12 September 2020

As some of you may have noticed, we have recently had our website updated and transferred to a new platform.  In addition, Gallery 5 has been updated and added to and we have a new Gallery 6.  Thanks to Ben Garner of teebmedia and the Blackford Community Fund through Foundation Scotland.


Thursday 19 March 2020
Due to the current situation with Covid 19 (Coronavirus), all meetings planned for March, April and May have been cancelled. The AGM will be rearranged for a later date.

Monday 20 May 2019
The historical society now has copies of the detailed Valuation Roll for the Parish of Blackford for 1940. This is available for members to consult. We hope you will find it useful and interesting.

Saturday 2 February 2019
We have added an article on the Waulkmill in Blackford. See here.

Tuesday 29 January 2019
Thanks to funding from the Blackford Community Fund supported by Foundation Scotland, the historical society will be able to hold a 1-day workshop to create a felted banner with local features. This will be displayed in the Moray Institute together with other banners created previously. We will let you know the date in due course.

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